Miguel Lago

“Lago Comedy Club” is a show without gimmicks. A comedian on a carpet, under a spotlight and with a microphone face to face with the audience. Club comedy, bar and road comedy comes to the stage of the big stages for the first time during a full season. Pure classic stand-up. Genuine comedy served with freedom, truth and nakedness that seeks the quintessence of the format. And of course with the signature and experience of an icon of the “One man Show”. A vindication of a necessary profession, a tribute to unique talents such as Richard Prior, Jerry Seindfeld, Eddy Murphy or Ricky Gervais…. A journey where Miguel delivers what he has learned in his more than 20 years of career with a collection of the most acidic, hilarious and daring routines that have ever been heard in a theater seat.
  • Production: MPC management
  • Author: Miguel Lago
sunday 4 may / 20:00 h
90′ approximately

Patio and club €20
Box seating €18
Amphitheater €16