
In a Seville set in the year 1820, the tragic story of a young gypsy cigar maker named Carmen is told. Don José, a young man and a very good guard, falls in love with Carmen. The love and passion of the young man for the seductive gypsy ended up corrupting him, forcing him to renounce his seus deures as a soldier and ending up part of a gang of smugglers. Soon after, the passionate Carmen shared her loving attention with the bullfighter Escamillo. Don José, blinded by the jealousy and abandonment of her esteemed wife, assassinates Carmen before the eyes of the public.
  • Production: Leonor Gago Artist
  • Author: Georges Bizet
  • Cast:
  • Carmen: Nesrin Goldunag, mezzo-soprano (Istanbul National Opera)
  • Don Jose: Ignacio Guzmán, tenor (Cordoba, Argentina)
  • Micaela: Olga Perrier, Paris Opera
  • Escamillo: Antonio P. Iranzo, baritone (Valencia)
  • Dancairo: Rajiv Cerezo, baritone (India)
  • Frasquita: Susana Garcia Pico, soprano (A Coruña)
  • Mercedes: Rodica Picerenau, soprano (Moldavian Opera)
  • Remendado: José Cruz, tenor (Valencia)
  • Zuñiga: David Cervera, bass (Madrid)
thursday 21 november / 20:30 h
165′ approximately

Patio and club 48 €
Box seating 36 €
Amphitheater 26 €

LANGUAGEFrench with Spanish subtitles