Dinosaurios y princesas
An 11 years old boy and his father have to rescue their baby triceratops, which has been kidnapped by evil characters who have escaped from a video game. To do so, they will face dinosaurs that are over 4 metres long, fight an Indian, challenge the evil people who want to take over the world, and be helped by a dancing princess… and all of this in the setting of a video game.
- Production: Olympia Metropolitana and Comedyplan
- Direction: Mamen Mengo, Victor Lucas
- Original music: Victor Lucas
- Choreography design: Carla Gago
- Technical direction: Marcos Orbegozo
- Cast: Rafa Alarcón, Rafa Alarcón Lezcano, Marian Villaescusa, Pau Vercher.
sunday 19 january / 18:00 h
75′ approximately
Patio and club 16 €
Box seating 14 €
Amphitheater 12€