El gran teatro del mundo
El gran teatro del mundo describes life as a performance and the world as a great theatre in which only through death can we reach eternal life. Each character plays a role (archetype) and at the end of the play will receive a reward or punishment depending on how he or she has performed in life. Calderón presents us with the brilliant audacity of God visiting our world to organise a theatre performance with the human race as actors.
- Company: Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico
- Author: Calderón de La Barca
- Direction: Lluís Homar
- Dramaturgy: Brenda Escobedo, Xavier Albertí and Lluis Homar
- Composition and musical direction: Xavier Albertí
- Voice and words: Vicente Fuentes
- Set design: Elisa Sanz
- Costume design: Déborah Macías
- Lighting: Pedro Yagüe
- Stage movement: Pau Arán
- Cast: Clara Altarriba, Pablo Chaves, Malena Casado, Antonio Comas, Carlota Gaviño, Pilar Gómez, Yolanda de la Hoz, Jorge Merino, Aisa Pérez, Chupi Llorente, Pablo Sánchez
sunday 13 april / 18:00 h
90′ approximately
Patio and club 25 €
Box seating 18 €
Amphitheater 12 €
Theatre voucher discount
180 €. 10 theatre tickets only in stalls seats and Club Seats.
University student discount
30% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)
Theatre students discount
(50% in amphitheatre for events to be allocated)
Discount for under 25s
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)
Pensioners discount
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)
Unemployed discount
15% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)
Carnet Jove discount
25% (in theater performances).