Faemino y Cansado

This show could also be called 17 times revisited or 17 times evolution or 17 times the director’s cut…. Since it is a show remade, revised, evolved and re-edited. Without quoting Kafka we will say that his “metamorphosis” does not reach the soles of his shoes as has occurred 17 times. We could even have changed the name, but laziness is the mother of all vices… we ourselves are not aware of it.
  • PRODUCTION Faemino and Cansado
  • Juan Carlos Arroyo Urbina (Faemino)
  • Ángel Javier Pozuelo Gómez-Monedero (Cansado)
thursday 15 february / 20:30 h
friday 16 february / 20:30 h
90′ approximately

Patio and club 27 €
Box seating 25 €
Amphitheater 22 €