Lectura fácil
Lectura fácil is the theatrical adaptation of the novel of the same name by Cristina Morales. A bombshell designed to explode the concept of disability and vindicate the right of all living things to govern themselves. Four women subjected to guardianship by the public welfare services. One of them escapes. A judge pursues her. An intensely comic and tragic story where the body is the centre of everything, the place of oppression and the only place from which it is possible to emancipate oneself.es la adaptación teatral de la novela homónima de Cristina Morales. Una bomba diseñada para reventar el concepto de discapacidad y reivindicar el derecho de todo lo vivo a gobernarse a si mismo. Cuatro mujeres sometidas a tutela por los servicios públicos de bienestar. Una de ellas escapa. Una jueza la persigue. Una historia intensamente cómica y trágica donde el cuerpo es el centro de todo, el lugar de la opresión y el único lugar desde el que es posible emanciparse.
- PRODUCTION Bitò y Centro Dramático Nacional
- AUThor Cristina García Morales
- CAST Desirée Cascales, Carlota Gaviño, Pilar Gómez, Marcos Mayo, Anna Marchessi, Pablo Sánchez, Estefanía de los Santos
saturday 29 april / 20:00 h
110′ approximately
Patio and club 20 €
Box seating 16 €
Amphitheatre 12 €

Theatre voucher discount
180 €. 10 theatre tickets only in stalls seats and Club Seats.

University student discount
30% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)

Theatre students discount
(50% in amphitheatre for events to be allocated)

Discount for under 25s
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)

Pensioners discount
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)

Unemployed discount
15% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)