Luis Piedrahita

Apocalyptically correct is Luis Piedrahita’s new show, a monologue full of wit and humor in which he analyzes what freedom is. In this show, Piedrahita investigates the nonsense and contradictions of our daily lives with the intention of finding out, once and for all, what freedom is made of and what it is for. Human beings always want to do what they want, but can we be free or is our destiny written in advance and we cannot change it?
  • PRODUCTION Productions El Espectador
  • AUTHOR Luis Piedrahita
  • SCRIPT CONTRIBUTORS J. J. Vaquero and R. Sopeña
  • ORIGINAL MUSIC Alejandro Dolina
  • ART DIRECTION Ximena Feijoo Merklen
thursday 30 may / 20:30 h
friday 31 may / 20:30 h
80′ approximately

Patio and club 22 €
Box seating 20 €
Amphitheater 18 €