Superthings Live

Superthings Live, Sing & Party is the new production of the SuperThings show in which Guitarrific is throwing the biggest party in the history of Kaboom City, the city of Super-Things. But the villains are not amused by this, so they do everything they can to put a spoke in the wheels of this whole process in order to screw it up. So a great battle arises with the Heroes, but of dance. The party turns out to be so grandiose that the villains decide to put aside their evil and failed plans to spoil it and join together to enjoy a celebration, which ends in style, singing and dancing with the audience.
  • PRODUCTION Bravo Show SL
  • AUTHOR Luka Yexy and Chemari Bello
saturday 15 october / 18:30 h
saturday 15 october / 16:00 h
75′ approximately

Patio and club 26 €

Box seating 22 €

Amphitheatre 14 €