Un hombre de paso
A hotel in Italy. A historic meeting. A journalist goes to interview Maurice Rossell, a former International Red Cross officer who visited Nazi concentration camps during World War II. The interview is attended by an exceptional witness: Primo Levi, an Italian-Jewish writer and survivor of those camps. The experience and testimony of both men in the face of the same reality is diametrically opposed, to the point where the journalist (and the viewer) will wonder what it was that Rossel saw to make reports that turned out to be completely wrong. Do we see what is presented before our eyes or do we only see what we want to see? A question that is still absolutely topical.
- Company: EB Producciones
- Production: EB Producciones, SEDA, Mansion Clapham productions, Producciones OFF, VANIA and with the collaboration of Teatro Lope de Vega of Seville.
- Authorship: Felipe Vega
- Director: Manuel Martín Cuenca
- Actors: Antonio de la Torre, Natalia Hernánde and Juan Carlos Villanueva
- Costume design: Pedro Moreno y Rafael Garrigós
- Scenography: Laura Ordás and Esmeralda Ruiz
- Music and Sound Space: Miguel Linares
- Graphic Design: Jorge Sobrino
- Production: Miguel Pérez
saturday 1 october / 20:00 h
120′ approximately
Patio and club 25 €
Box seat 18 €
Amphitheatre 12 €

Theatre voucher discount
180 €. 10 theatre tickets only in stalls seats and Club Seats.

University student discount
30% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)

Theatre students discount
(50% in amphitheatre for events to be allocated)

Discount for under 25s
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)

Pensioners discount
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)

Unemployed discount
15% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)