Wilbur, fuego salvaje
“Fuego Salvaje” is more than a title, it is an attitude. From a sensitivity as risky as any extreme sport, Wilbur – an actor from Madrid known for his viral videos on social networks – presents us, with an open heart, a true and captivating story. An invitation to look at ourselves in the mirror of the pathetic and to accept that we are neither so handsome, nor so thin, nor so fat, nor so intelligent, nor so normal…
An initiatory journey that deals with the reconquest of the self and of the body itself, a fight of titans between the character, Wilbur, and the person, Víctor Ortiz de la Torre; a face to face between a clown with slumped shoulders and a “body of rubble” who deeply accepts being who he is and a high-competition gymnast, handsome and former millionaire, who still boasts of having been champion of Spain during the 90s. Everything that one can imagine that is going to happen in “Fuego Salvaje” is not going to happen: this show breaks with all possible expectations. It is not a dangerous show, but brutally revealing, cruel and loving.
- Author: Victor Wilbur
- Production: MPC management
saturday 7 june / 18:00 h
100′ approximately
Patio and club 18 €
Box seating 16 €
Amphitheater 14 €